In [31]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.dates as mdate
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 16, 12
from sunpy.time import TimeRange
In [2]:
utc_offset = -7
In [3]:
foxsi_launch_time_local = datetime.strptime('2014/12/11 11:55', '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
In [4]:
In [6]:
foxsi_launch_time_ut = foxsi_launch_time_local - timedelta(hours=utc_offset)
print(datetime.strftime(foxsi_launch_time_ut, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'))
In [8]:
foxsi_obs_tr = TimeRange([foxsi_launch_time_ut + timedelta(seconds=111), foxsi_launch_time_ut + timedelta(seconds=505)])
In [9]:
updated on dec 1st
iris eclipse free: 18:06- 19:01, 19:44 - 20:39, 21:21-22:16 SAA free:18:20-19:39, 19:58-21:19, 21:34-22:59 best times (free of SAAs and eclipses): 18:20 - 19:01, 19:58 - 20:39, 21:34- 22:16
In [25]:
iris = [TimeRange(['2014/12/11 18:20', '2014/12/11 19:01']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 19:58', '2014/12/11 20:39']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 21:34', '2014/12/11 22:16'])]
In [26]:
nustar = [TimeRange(['2014/12/11 15:24', '2014/12/11 16:26']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 17:01', '2014/12/11 18:04']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 18:38', '2014/12/11 19:41']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 20:14', '2014/12/11 21:18']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 21:51', '2014/12/11 22:55'])]
RHESSI Day 2014/345 17:18:04 - 2014/345 18:22:30 UTC 64.433 min Orbit 70605 2014/345 18:52:52 - 2014/345 19:57:24 UTC 64.533 min Orbit 70606 2014/345 20:27:41 - 2014/345 21:32:19 UTC 64.633 min Orbit 70607 2014/345 22:02:30 - 2014/345 23:07:13 UTC 64.717 min Orbit 70608 RHESSI SAA 2014/345 11:10:07 - 2014/345 11:26:29 UTC 16.367 min Orbit 70601 2014/345 12:50:29 - 2014/345 12:58:44 UTC 8.250 min Orbit 70602 2014/345 21:51:09 - 2014/345 21:56:15 UTC 5.100 min Orbit 70608
In [27]:
rhessi = [TimeRange(['2014/12/11 17:18:04', '2014/12/11 18:22:30']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 18:52:52', '2014/12/11 19:57:24']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 20:27:41', '2014/12/11 21:32:19'])]
In [51]:
hinode = [TimeRange(['2014/12/11 16:12:30', '2014/12/11 17:12:30']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 18:26:00', '2014/12/11 18:49:00']),
TimeRange(['2014/12/11 20:03:00', '2014/12/11 21:03:00'])]
In [83]:
fig = plt.figure()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4)
date_fmt = '%b-%d %H:%M'
date_formatter = mdate.DateFormatter(date_fmt)
names = ['rhessi', 'iris', 'hinode', 'nustar']
for i, obs in enumerate([rhessi, iris, hinode, nustar]):
ax[i].set_xlim(datetime.strptime('2014/12/11 18:15', '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'),
datetime.strptime('2014/12/11 19:30', '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'))
ax[i].axvspan(foxsi_obs_tr.start, foxsi_obs_tr.end, alpha=1, label='foxsi', color='r')
for j, t in enumerate(obs):
name = names[i]
span = [t.start, t.end]
span_str = datetime.strftime(span[0], '%H:%M:%S') + '-' + datetime.strftime(span[1], '%H:%M:%S')
ax[i].axvspan(span[0], span[1], facecolor='b', alpha=0.5, label = name + ' ' + span_str)
#plt.text( span[0], 0.5, 'b', rotation=90)
#plt.text( span[1], 0.5, name + ' End ' + datetime.strftime(span[1], '%H:%M'), rotation=90)
ax[i].set_xlabel('Time (UT)')
ax[i].axvline(foxsi_launch_time_ut, label="Launch", color='red')
#ax2 = ax.twiny()
#ax2.plot_date([time + timedelta(hours=utc_offset) for time in axis_range], [0,1])
#ax2.set_label('Time (Local)')